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Life Insurance Analysis & Review

It's best to review your existing life insurance policy every 3-5 years due to life changes and/or enhanced benefits.

Do you have the new kind of life insurance or the old kind of life insurance?


You see, many things have changed in the last ten years - from plummeting interest rates to improvements in the medical field. Things are not what they were even five years ago. 


And the same goes for life insurance. Over the years, additional benefits and improvements in pricing have made for better, more efficient policies. 


However, many people have purchased life insurance and have never had that insurance reviewed to see if they could be receiving these additional benefits and improvements. 


And on top of that, to simply make sure that their coverage is still going to be there when they need it most.  Now, that might sound silly, but you’d be surprised how many people are left without the coverage they signed up for.


That’s why we have begun to provide a free, complimentary review of your life insurance or annuity policy which can help you save significant money or obtain more value and benefits, without changing your lifestyle. 


For example, one woman – we’ll call her Mary – was 74 years old. She purchased a life insurance policy years ago and thought it was going to cover her for the rest of her life.  Through our free analysis and review, we discovered that Mary didn’t have a whole life policy, but a term policy. And that term policy was set to expire in six years. 


We were able to replace her existing policy with one that was greatly improved and will guarantee Mary coverage for the rest of her life.


In addition to that, she was able to save hundreds of dollars a year on her premiums. With this example, you now know the powerful effects that life insurance can have for you and your family simply by not reviewing your current policy.


And that’s just one of the many cases where we’ve been able to achieve our clients’ desired goals and save them significant amounts of money. To begin this review, all that’s needed from you is a signature to authorize permission and our team does the rest.


We shop the best insurance companies in the country and compare your policy performance with what is currently available. Once we have the results, we will give you a review of the top 2 or 3 options in the market. 


7 out of 10 people that we review end up saving money or improving their overall policy.


Your worst case scenario will be peace of mind knowing that we searched all of the best carriers and the life insurance that you currently have is: performing the way it’s supposed to, meeting all of your necessary goals, and is the best for you. 


So ask yourself, has your life insurance policy been reviewed in the past 3 years?  Do you have full confidence in knowing your policy is performing as effectively as it should be? And lastly, with our free analysis and review, do you have anything to lose?


Please contact us and fill out the form to show your interest. We will reach out to you within 24-48 hours to discuss further on our life insurance review services.

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